
September, 2020

Brilliant surfaces, in total respect for the environment.

For taps, the surface treatments - and, in particular, the chrome plating - are a fundamental and crucial phase of the in-house production process so that every single product could remain so immaculately shiny and bring this aspect for so many years in its future working life. The Carlo Nobili Rubinetterie department responsible for these processes boasts the very best equipment and the most advanced technological resources available, with a view to obtaining excellent aesthetic results, but also - and above all - to guaranteeing the highest levels of environmental sustainability. The processes, all extremely highly automated, take place in special closed-cycle purification tanks: this operating mode promotes a remarkable reduction in consumption, and above all, through a total control in the management of the substances used (nickel and chromium in particular), it offers the best means of protecting the environment and the health of operators. This department can process over 30,000 components per day, by returning products with a shiny and bright appearance, thanks to the depositing 15.0 μm of nickel and a subsequent 0.5 μm layer of chrome. These above mentioned values are indeed much higher than those normally adopted in this sector, but they are well worth the effort because they give rise to products whose quality is instantly perceptible and, therefore, highly appreciated by the market.